Foreclosures are on the rise and that's good news for you as an investor-if you know what you're doing. Whether you're looking for a home of your own or an investment property, you'll get expert advice on how to: Find the best properties-and learn which ones are good investments; Negotiate with sellers; Avoid costly mistakes; Get creative ideas on financing purchases; Resell properties for a healthy profit. This insider's guide helps you to avoid common pitfalls, spend your money wisely, and figure out if the foreclosure market is really for you. You can make money in this growing market-all you need is a little hard work, courage, and The Everything Guide to Foreclosures! George Sheldon is the author of twenty-one books. In addition to writing, Mr. Sheldon works as a marketing and sales consultant, book publisher, and writing instructor. He is an active member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) and he lives in Lancaster, PA. Lorraine K. Rufe has been a licensed real estate agent for nearly forty years. Ms. Rufe specializes in selling HUD and VA foreclosures, averaging 100 successful sales annually. She serves as a HUD property management broker and is the recipient of the HUD Sales Achievement Award. She lives in Coopersburg, PA.
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