In his trademark "down-home," tell-it-like-it-is style, Dr. Phil McGraw presents an enlightening and entertaining lecture on how to "get real"-in relationships and in life.
Dr. Phil explains how to live by design, as opposed to living reactively. He illustrates how easy it is to become lazy in life and just settle for situations that, deep-down, make you unhappy. He urges you to "step out of the comfort zone," and to evaluate everything in your life based on whether it's working or not.
Readers of Dr. Phil's bestsellers, Relationship Rescue and Life Strategies, will recognize the "Laws of Life". He also includes "The Three Truths," which are new concepts not available in his books. These truths offer a fascinating window into why and how people set up the problems they encounter in life, and how you can free yourself from old habits and patterns.
Dr. Phil tackles the first Law of Life-"you either get it or you don't"-as a way to show how choices made in your behavior lead to particular consequences. Dr. Phil hilariously recalls how he came upon this extremely important lesson when he was just 16 years old . . . and how time and time again, this law has proven itself to him.
Dr. Phil takes audience questions and effectively drives home the point that your relationship with yourself should be the most important one in your life.
Each one of us is either contributing to or contaminating our partnerships all the time. Phil shares his "personal relationship values," which are tips for helping you make your relationships as positive and mutually fulfilling as they can be.
Phil points out that intimacy has very little to do with physical acts-it's based on making your own needs known, risking being vulnerable, and working to discover and meet the needs of your partner. Phil says you can "behave your way to success."